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Dowsing is a Unique Way to Evaluate Your Pet's Needs...


     Working with a dowser empowers you to make informed choices on your pet's needs. For example, one way a dowser can help is to evaluate a food or item to determine if it is beneficially strengthening or non-beneficially weakening to your pet's energetic system. I do this by 'tuning' into your pet's own unique energetic frequency. It can be similar to dialing up a channel on a radio station by using a particular therapeutic pendulum. Once I have that frequency, then a circuit is created to the specific item you would like to test to determine what is a match to benefit your pet's overall systems. 

     A detailed assessment will be made to determine which energetic services would be needed to help your loved one achieve a balanced energetic field. 

     Contact Mona for more detail on how services can be applied and customized to your animal's unique circumstance.


~All services are rendered remotely with just a current picture of your animal. 


~PayPal and Venmo Accepted~


Holy Fire III Animal Reiki

Distance Reiki

Animal life force energy is channeled through a unique animal Reiki frequency attuned with the Divine Animal Kingdom. Mona combines dowsing and Reiki for a personalized balancing. Benefits of animal Reiki may assist with recovery from physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances and all energy work support's your animal's traditional veterinary care. 

"If we could teach human beings one thing, it would be to love yourselves as much as we love you, because when you love yourselves, you create your life from that belief."

~Robyn Benelli, Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong & Pam Allen-LeBlanc~ 
Energy Healers & Reiki Practitioners

Subtle Energy Balancing with Sacred Geometry

In our environment we are surrounded by shapes, angles and proportions. Specific linear diagrams with shapes and angles, imbued with frequencies that resonate with the planes of nature, can create energetic patterns in your pet's energy field to induce equilibrium and harmony. This subtle energy practice works through the principle of Resonance of Shape. This modality is customized to assist with your search for harmony.

"An energy system, whether animate or inanimate, is a living entity that has a pattern of arrangement in which the qualities take their place, to produce the final unity and harmony of the energy system."

~Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Ph.D. Dr.Sc.~

Balancing of Timelines


Non-beneficial events in your pet's living timeline can cause disturbances and energetic imprints in the stability of your beloved's subtle energy field. 

Systematically detecting and clearing any imbalance or weakness in each year of life can help systems self-correct to invoke homeostasis. An in-depth analysis and clearing by each year will be provided.

"We will have to go beyond our linear time and space perception and go to all the past experiences to find and correct energy imbalances that affect the whole system.”

~Dr. Ibrahim Karim, PH.D Dr.Sc.~

Custom Three-Part Energetic Clearing

PART 1: Chakra Clearing:
Chakras, the seven major energy centers, provide vital life force to organs and systems. Clearing of these centers may help to harmonize overall energy and promote vitality. An evaluation will be provided of the before and after results. 

PART 2: Re-Balancing

Energy Centers: 

Our pets are vulnerable to non-beneficial energetic attachments that can affect well-being. Clearing of attachments may help to re-balance energy centers and promote vitality. 

PART 3: Releasing Emotions      

              and/or Trauma

Pets who have learned and acquired negative experiences or emotions may be released from these patterns by applying unique therapeutic dowsing rods to stimulate release. ​This service is recommended for rescue animals especially.

"Humans becoming aware of the chakras can have a profound impact on animal healing."

~Joan Ranquet~ 
Energy Healer & Animal Communicator

Beneficial Food & 

Item Testing

This holistic dowsing method allows for evaluation of what is strengthening or weakening to your pet's whole energy field. 

This technique can be applied to foods, supplements, and much more. 

Please note that pictures of these items will need to be provided, along with a current photo of your pet. The photo must include just your pet to get the optimal frequency measure.

Contact Mona for more details on how this remote process works. 

"Food and nutrition are some of the most important tools 

we have to support animal health."

~Joan Ranquet~

Energy Healer & Animal Communicator

Custom Three-Part

Energetic Balancing

This focal point service is a more in-depth review of how separate internal systems within a pet's energetic anatomy is currently fairing.

At least three assessments will be made to determine your pet's subtle energetic profile. This includes; the vital life force energy, the seven chakras and the twelve systematic meridian channels.

This remote healing model aims to shift the focal point of any internal subtle energetic disturbance by investigating the various components of the subtle energetic body and to shift the imbalances with beneficial vibrational 

bands of life 

force frequencies.  

"Meridians are an energetic map of the physical system...when we think of a flowing river, the river has life force of its own. It moves forward. When a big boulder falls into the water, this creates a disturbance in the river's pattern, and the water has to go around it. This is what an illness or injury is to the system. The meridians allow us to find that disturbance and follow it to its source, as well as giving us the ability to move the energy back into balance.”

~Joan Ranquet~

Energy Healer & Animal Communicator

Feline Energy 

Signature Analysis

This four point protocol aims to assess the overall vital life force within the major energy centers and meridians. Energetic qualities are analyzed to determine whether internal or external sources of vibrations prove beneficial or non-beneficial to the overall system of your beloved kitty. Next, vibrational bands of light are applied to stimulate homeostasis within the subtle energy field to promote self-healing.

Three assessments will be provided to assure the completed energy work is fully integrated.

Canine Energy 

Signature Analysis

This four point protocol aims to assess the overall vital life force within the major energy centers and meridians. Energetic qualities are analyzed to determine whether internal or external sources of vibrations prove beneficial or non-beneficial to the overall system of your beloved dog. Next, vibrational bands of light are applied to stimulate homeostasis within the subtle energy field to promote self- healing. 

Three assessments will be provided to assure the completed energy work is fully integrated.

Equine Energy 

Signature Analysis

This four point protocol aims to assess the overall vital life force within the major energy centers and meridians. Energetic qualities are analyzed to determine whether internal or external sources of vibrations prove beneficial or non-beneficial to the overall system of your beloved horse. Next, vibrational bands of light are applied to stimulate homeostasis within the subtle energy field to promote self-healing.

Three assessments will be provided to assure the completed energy work is fully integrated.

Regenerate with Color Therapy

This unique modality combines the power of the pyramid and the spectrum of colors used in color therapy to provide the subtle energy body with revitalized energy. The process begins with a pre-assessment of current vitality to determine a baseline reading. Next, color frequencies are analyzed and matched to determine which color in the spectrum will be beneficial. This process, coupled with applying a therapeutic pendulum and a series of pyramids, assist in supplementing the energy field with what it needs to activate self-healing. 

Sonic Healing

All living beings resonate to sonic vibration. As a certified Holographic Sound Healer, Mona can customize a harmonic prescription to induce resonance and alignment to stimulate self-healing and well-being. Crystal singing bowls and tuning forks are just some of the vibrational tools that may be employed. Pets-especially- who resonate with sonic vibration can respond very well to this modality!

Remote Healing Chamber

& Pyramid Power

When sustained therapeutic frequencies are needed to promote self-healing, pyramidal energy can be applied with laser-like focus. Those in need will receive beneficial bands of life force frequencies over a determined length of time, in order to continuously stimulate the subtle energy body to function at its optimal capacity. Through vibrational dowsing, a custom built witness chamber is created to supply beneficial frequencies.

~Custom Services~

Contact Mona for more detail at: We can compare service packages and find the best fit. 

Custom 3-Part Energetic Balancing


1 Hour and 3 Day Eval

Best Energetic Offer

1 hr session-includes 3 assessments for an energetic profile over 3 days

Chakra Clearing

Re-Balancing Energy Centers

Releasing Emotions & Trauma

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Beneficial Food & Item Testing


45 minutes

New to Dowsing? Best for First Timers

45 Minute




            Energy Signature Analysis


1.5 Hour and 3 Day Eval

Best for Exploring Timely Imbalances 

1.5 hr session-includes 3 assessments for complete energetic profile over 3 days

Review Vital Energy Levels

Review Chakras & Meridians

Explore Energetic Anatomy 

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~Remote Healing~

Contact Mona for more detail at: Vibrational Dowsing is used to determine optimal frequency of time.

Remote Healing Chamber


1 Week

Vibrational Frequencies Set for 24/7

Sustained Frequencies for 7 days-

24 hours around the clock

Supports Vital Energy

Re-Balancing of Energy Centers

A Custom Witness Chamber is Created

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Remote Healing Chamber


2 Weeks

Vibrational Frequencies Set for 24/14

Sustained Frequencies for 14 days-

24 hours around the clock

Supports Vital Energy & Life Force

Supports Energy Centers

A Custom Witness Chamber is Sustained

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           Remote Healing Chamber         


3 Weeks

Vibrational Frequencies Set for 24/21

Sustained Frequencies for 21 days-

24 hours around the clock

Supports Vital Energy & Life Force

Supports Energy Centers

A Custom Witness Chamber is Sustained

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Energy Services for Those With Limited Resources~

Times can be difficult for those in need. Services are offered for those who cannot afford to pay prices suggested above. Click on the button below to donate what you can at this time. Please be sure to contact Mona prior to selecting this payment option.

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"In all things of Nature there is something of the marvelous." 


© 2020 Invigor8 Your Energy Now, LLC​

Vibrational dowsing does not diagnose or treat illnesses and does not replace a trained veterinary doctor. Always consult and follow the advice of your doctor. All energetic work is complementary to conventional treatments.

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